European retailer GAME has themselves an exclusive deal with EA to publisher a series of four developer diaries for Star Wars: Battlefront. Today saw the release of the first of those developer diaries, a short affair that largely covers the few details given out during last week's debut of Battlefront's first cinematic trailer. There were a couple of extra details which slipped through though, including the first still image of third-person perspective within the game.
Additionally, quite a bit of the focus in the trailer was in promising extensive levels of "authenticity." The team at EA Dice, like many teams working on Star Wars projects, traveled to the infamous Skywalker ranch to research various materials used in the original production of the films. From lightsabers to stormtrooper helmets, EA DICE wants everything in their game to be as accurate to the source material as they can manage.
Most of the rest of the trailer shows off footage from last week's cinematic trailer featuring a battle taking place on Endor. I keep hoping each tim I watch it that I'll see an Ewok somewhere in the treetops, but no luck so far. They also went out of their way to remind everyone that Battlefront will feature battles of up to 40 players and that the Battle of Jakku will be available for free post-launch, something being taken from the upcoming Star Wars movie.
As for that third-person still shot, well, it's about what everyone expects. It's the game in third-person, which will certainly be a boon for console players and certain classes or class actions in general. It's always hard to take these still shots seriously until we see 100% game footage, as you never know what's been touched up. Gosh, it does look good though.
Star Wars: Battlefront will be comign to PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One November 17 later this year. Expect three more developer diaries in the weeks and months ahead, which hopefully talk about gameplay in a bit more depth. This will work for now, I suppose.
source Neoseeker News Feed
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