Insomniac Games slipped a game past our radar! Today saw the release of the PC exclusive Slow Down, Bull, an experiment from the studio that brought us Ratchet & Clank and Sunset Overdrive. It's just a small, internal project made by 4-5 people within the studio on Unity about a bull who enjoys collecting beautiful things, his friend and the bull-catcher which is chasing after them. It's cute, it's quirky, and it's available on PC starting today.
According to Insomniac, Slow Down, Bull is the studio's response to similar indie initiatives within other studios, such as Double Fine's Amnesia Fortnite event and Vlambeer's Nuclear Throne project. A similar way of thinking about it might be Ubisoft's efforts with Child of Light, though on a smaller scale. Only when Insomniac goes indie, they really go indie. Despite the studio's notoriety, the project has less than 200 Twitter followers and almost no news coverage. There's no PR for the project. It's so indie it hurts.
Which is actually really exciting for me, that I get to write about Slow Down, Bull. I can't speak on the game itself, though it's definitely clear that it has a lot of personality. What's exciting to me is that Insomniac is donating a portion of every sale of the game to charity.
"In partnership with Starlight Children's Foundation, 50% of Insomniac's net proceeds from Slow Down, Bull (at least 30% of the purchase price) will benefit Starlight's efforts to improve the life and health of kids and families around the world."
Slow Down, Bull is now available on Steam for $9.99. Check out Insomniac's indie experiment for yourself -- don't worry, there's no pre-order DLC to have been missed.
source Neoseeker News Feed
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