Saturday, September 12, 2015

Brawlhalla's beta 1.17 build brings ranked 2v2 play, balance adjustments

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Brawlhalla may still be in beta, but it's quickly shaping up to be a potential eSports heavy hitter. The upcoming four-player PC brawler had a new beta build pushed out late last night that included a number of balance tweaks and added a few new features such as the new 2v2 ranked ladder mode.

Ranked 2v2 has been something beta testers have asked Blue Mammoth Games for. It's finally here and it comes with a personal stat tracker as well. Brawlers can view both their personal and team-based matchmaking scores. Players can also join as many teams as they want so personal progress on the ladder isn't impeded by different schedules. A player's personal matchmaking score is also factored in to determining the team score in addition to the win/loss record.

The nerf bat also made its presence known in the form of balance adjustments for various legends in the update. Many of the adjustments were focused on individual weapons moreso than legends, but several brawlers received tweaks of their own. Teros, for example, was slowed down a little with his side axe attack and his downward axe attack was made a little weaker in anticipation of being a strong contender in 2v2. Other legends like Thatch, Gnash, and Lord Vraxx received a bit more attention to make them less frustrating to be matched up against without ruining the fun of playing them.

The standard bug fixes and additional support for things like GameStop PS3 controllers have also been made in the latest Brawlhalla build. Brawlhalla is currently in closed beta. If you're waiting at the gates and weren't a LootCrate customer in July, you can sign up for a closed beta invitation or skip the line by buying one of the different DLC packs offered through Steam. Brawlhalla awaits!

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