The first prison photo of Teresa Giudice recently fetched a pretty penny for the TV star's family, but the Jersey-ites weren't the only ones trying to cash in.
According to an insider, one of Tre’s fellow inmates had been surreptitiously photographing her on a contraband phone in the hopes of selling the pics.
That is, until prison guards busted her shady ass and confiscated that piece!
Authorities at the Federal Corrections Institute in Danbury, Connecticut, “recently confiscated the cellphone of a female inmate,” according to an insider.
“She had smuggled it in," they said, though they would not disclose how.
What investigators found on the illicit device was ... well, a documentation of what life is like in prison for Teresa Giudice, for whatever that's worth.
Those pics could've been worth a lot - Teresa's family got paid a pretty nice sum for the first, authorized pic - but prison guards intervened in the nick of time.
Says the source of the phone, which was found in an undisclosed manner:
"She had candid photos of Teresa all around the prison. Doing yoga, exercising and more. The woman was trying to get the photos out to sell them.”
It's unclear if the inmate in question had her cell tossed, but she clearly should've hidden the phone in a hallowed-out Bible a la The Shawshank Redemption.
It's also unclear if said inmate is now in the hole, also a la Shawshank.
In the meantime, while talk of a Joe Giudice reality show surfaces (as well as cheating allegations surrounding her crooked hubby), Teresa carries on.
Her expected release in February 2016 is now less than 10 months away, and she may even get out sooner than that if she stays out of trouble.
There's no room for these kind of theatrics, in other words ...
source The Hollywood Gossip
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