Monday, April 6, 2015

Square Enix continues 'Can't Kill Progress' stream, teasing new project from a Western studio

Square Enix is sticking to their mysterious "Can't Kill Progress" reveal, as the stream begins its three-day run. In the last four or five hours, we've seen the solitary prisoner wander around a small room, men with questionable Russian accents beat up said prisoner, and heard a little something about the enigmatic Yvonne.

Last week, the publisher teased "Project CKP," something in development by one of their Western studios. The reveal would be an interactive stream scheduled for Monday, April 6, and continue for two more days following. An interesting concept, for sure, but so far the level of interaction allowed by viewers seems questionable at best, if not mostly fake. Some are also claiming the video is being looped at certain points.

Over the hours that the stream has been running so far, we've observed a shifting perspective between the multiple cameras set up inside the isolation room, supposedly triggered by a viewer. (The viewer's name is listed briefly, so we know it's not fake!) The majority of viewer demands scrolling by in the collapsible chat are ignored unless a specific event occurs; at one point, authorities entered the room with a chair to interrogate the prisoner, Tomas, thus giving viewers a chance to decide how he reacts to the harassment. Shortened links pop up as well, giving participants a chance to decipher some encrypted media posted across numerous Instagram accounts, which I assume were setup just for this Can't Kill Progress Twitch stream.

Currently, the stream is progressing as normal, with more clues popping up on occasion, giving determined viewers something to do. Otherwise, the next voting phase begins in about 18 hours.

Watch live video from CantKillProgress on

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