In 2013 Patrice Desilets, the man behind Prince of Persia: Sands of Time and Assassin's Creed, left Ubisoft for a second time. With it, he left his control of amsterdam:1666, the project he's been fighting for in the legal system since. Unwilling to wait to find out if he'll ever get his game back, in 2014 Desilets started his own studio. In 2015, as he gave the keynote to the Reboot Develop 2015 conference, Desilets revealed what would come next -- Ancestors: A Humankind Odyssey.
Throughout Desilets' keynote he would return to the idea of time, of lessons learned. The keynote itself was simply Desilets jumping from event to event in his life -- the stepping stones which brought him to this moment. The brief teaser with which Desilets unveiled Ancestors mirrored this in reverse, beginning at the present and taking steps backwards through time.
The events which the teaser stopped on were legion, detailing humanity's progress from year to year. Many of the modern events focused on DNA and genetics, but as the years fell away the events grew in importance -- agriculture, cave paintings, fire, tools, and even the missing link. Ancestors is certain to explore this idea of where humanity began, where humanity has been, and hopefully where it's going.
Desilets also mentioned, almost off-handedly, that his studio will be focusing on episodic content. Digital, episodic content, to be specific. Seeing how Desilets introduced his game with many different events throughout history, I'd say he has a very clear vision of what he wants to create. Or at least that he's very passionate about what he's creating. For a studio that currently has only 6 developers, I suppose we -- and probably Desilets himself -- need a bit more time to figure out exactly what to expect from Ancestors.
Expect more details on Ancestors: A Humankind Odyssey in the months ahead, though don't be surprised if it's kept on ice for a while yet. Still, it was great to see what Patrice Desilets is working on, and how meaningful it clearly is to him. Hopefully the keynote will be available to watch later today.
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